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Skin Tags / Milia & Age Spot Removal
Skin Tags / Milia / Wart Removal
If you are fed up with those pesky Skin Tags or Milia then you should book an appointment at Little Vines Clinic to get these removed. In Clinic the area is pre numbed for between 20 - 30 minutes, which gives us time to talk in detail through the process, fill out the Medical forms and also through the stages of healing.
The Plasma Pen is used for this treatment and using thermal disruption the tag or Milia is removed. In most cases this is just a one off treatment although if you are prone to Skin Tags or Milia you may well experience more in time.
Age Spots can also be removed using the Plasma Pen and the top surface layer of the skin which holds the pigment is agitated & removed. The area is likely to scab over and in 10-14 days the little crusts will fall away leaving new skin underneath. This new slightly pinker skin will settle down over the next 6-8 weeks and in most cases your are of pigmentation will be gone. Occassionally more that one treatment is needed but in this case it should not be repeated within a 4 month period to give the skin full time to rebuild.